I’m the white mouse of affection, in search of the non existing perfection, I’m the cute, sweet and funny white mouse of infection, trying to construct my own mental rejection...
Peace of mind is for the blind, being mice, rats or human kind. Sometimes, the only way through a bad time, seems to simply be resigned. But for us, the solution is unwind: there’s no formula to heal your mind...
I don’t expect that one can understand or that anyone can even comprehend, actually, I’m quite sure, interpretations will be all, misunderstood…
Of all the things we don’t miss, the first, is the abyss, so we’ll stay, even if at the edge but certainly away from this. What I would give, for just one kiss…
any kiss,
sat or stand, (so someone would understand)
of any kind, (to heal my mind)
in any direction, (to create perfection)
one that just, wouldn’t break down (even if it rode, my merry go round).
Because of all the things we know I miss, now we realize, ignorance, is bliss.
1 comentário:
Lindo e a musica é maravilhosa!! Mas tu deprimes.me!!!
E eu tenho mais que fazer!!!! :D*
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